Using blockchain technologies we can help you build secure and decentralized public and private information systems, offering vertical and horizontal solutions.
Vertical Solutions

- Local / city currencies
- Financial inclusion
- Electronic voting systems
- Self-Sovereign Identity platforms
- Trusted data sharing
- Decentralized notarization
- New forms of public funding

- CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) both wholesale and retail CBDC
- DeFi (Decentralized Finance) services, like stable coins, ICOs crowdfunding, insurance or banking services, DEXs
- Programmable money, like custom currencies and money streaming
- Public, open blockchains, like bitcoin or ethereum
- Custodial solutions
- Asset tokenization, like real estate or arts
- Decentralized prediction markets

- Mobile contact tracing systems (using both GPS and Bluetooth)
- Immunity / vaccine passports
- Health data marketplaces (data controlled by the citizens)

- Community currencies
- Public and transparent donations
- DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) for new forms of governance, including financial management, voting and dispute resolution

- Corporate currencies
- Asset tokenization
- Value chain incentive alignment and trusted data share
- New sources of funding
- New digital marketplaces (ex: data marketplaces for AI)
- Diploma certification
- Micropayments
Horizontal Solutions

- Connect Salesforce data, processes and UI to several blockchains, using Salesforce Appexchange apps and creating new decentralized business models, like data marketplaces or aligning incentives along value chains

- Setup and maintenance of EBSi nodes
- Awareness, training and implementation of PoC and pilots of european blockchain use cases (self-soverign identity, education diplomas, notarisation and Trusted data share)

- First layer (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Algorand, …)
- Second layer (RSK, Lightning, …)
- Decentralized protocols and applications (Ocean, Augur, Aragon, UMA, …)