We can help your organization in all the lifecycle of a blockchain project: Awareness > Assessment > Research > Implementation

- Blockchain webinars – One hour remote overview of blockchain in both technical and business aspects
- Blockchain workshops – eight hours remote interactive sessions, customized for your organization
- Blockchain training – one to five days remote customized blockchain training for your organization

- In just one day we can do an assessment to decide if your organization really needs blockchain or other technology instead

In this stage we can deliver to your organization:
- In this stage we can deliver to your organization:
- Blockchain white paper – a document that outlines the technical aspects of the blockchain technology in order to achieve your organization goals
- Blockchain PoC – A Proof of Concept of your blockchain project

We are not an IT integrator nor a software company so we don’t do implementation, maintenance or evolution projects. However we can assist you in these stages.